Monday, August 22, 2005

Home Again

It was an uneventful trip in terms of E.R. visits. In fact, except for Nick having a one-day bout of stomach upset, we were all extremely healthy our entire trip.

We stayed at my mom and step dad’s cottage on Lake Williams in Lebanon, CT. Our drive up was excruciatingly hot, like 99 degrees, but after a day of heat, the weather cooled enough that we were cuddled under blankets at night.

Genevieve, Nick and I lazed about the cottage most of the time, which has a beautiful view of the lake and a cove, which was named after my mom, Mary’s Cove. We went out in the rowboat and the paddleboat—cutting through the lily pads and splashing through the little waves.

In the evenings after Genny went to bed, Nick and I got to work. All together, we wrote about six children’s books. Nick is great at coming up with rhymes. We had a lot of fun writing.

I was even lucky enough to find a Starbucks in Colchester, only a few towns away. We visited a few libraries and even found a huge pile of kids’ books in a dumpster behind the library (no, we weren’t specifically dumpster diving, just illegally dumping our trash).

I definitely came back relaxed. I only had a few days of feeling depressed, but not monumentally. I wish I had more time to sit by the water and veg out. I’m not fully discharged of stress yet.

But school starts next week and I’m still busy trying to get myself prepared. I am going to be very busy. Stop thinking of the future, Sheila, try to stay in the moment for at least a moment.

Oh, yes, Genny’s new words are boat, bowl and up. All very clear and lovely. And her walking is coming along very well. And she happily humped the cat this morning as Lula tried to lick her in the face. Yup, we’re home alright.


  1. Hey Sheila,
    I'm so glad you had a nice time!

    And wow, six children's books?!

    I've got two in the works, but I can't seem to find my starting off point.

    As for walking and talking:
    Congrats on Genny's ever-growing vocabulary, and I bet the walking thing will get better over night.

    Baby girl is a pro at walking, but she hasn't said one single thing!

    I'm sure that'll come over night as well...

    ...Here's hoping anyways. :)

    - Ash

  2. Welcome home, it sounds like you all have a wonderful time.
    What does walking mean?!?!?!?!?! Like, all by herself walking?!?!?!? And no announcement? No photos?
    (Still waiting for cat humping photo, but it's nice to know the cat licks theb aby's face.)
