Sunday, May 08, 2005

Rites of Passage

I had a revelation about my memoir today. My current draft is written in a pretty straightforward chronological order. I have struggled with feeling like there is something missing, something wrong.

After finishing “Slow Motion” I really see how important it is to have a clear vision of from where and why I am writing my memoir. There needs to be more than just, “I have a great story to tell.” Why is the story important today? What will readers experience from reading it? What did I learn about life beyond what the physical story tells?

I am working in my head now on where my story begins in time. I am narrowing events down. Sifting through the rites of passage I experienced to uncover what other women will relate to. I am deciphering what my deepest message is.

The deepest message of the day is that Genny loves to eat rice. We visited my mom in Connecticut today and ate at a Chinese restaurant. Gen shoveled fistfuls of white and brown rice into her mouth. She made scrunchy faces at Mom and my step dad, Marc.

We also visited my dad and step mom, Pat, who bought Genny her new convertible car seat. In only one short month she will be eligible to ride forward facing. I imagine this directional shift will be a great rite of passage for her. Perhaps installing each successive car seat in the backseat of the minivan will be a rite of passage for Nick.

I’m experiencing my own rite of passage now as Genny is being weaned. Well, that’s obviously another momentous time for her as well. So many changes. So little time.

We’re all growing up.

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