Attention Mom Writers! (Or moms who WANT to write…)
I’m looking for writers for short posts on my blog - strippermom.blogspot.com (and possible inclusion in a book).
Looking for short pieces (25 – 500 words) about what it means to be a “stripper mom.”
It doesn’t mean that you’re out there working the stripper pole at your local “Gentlemen’s Club.” Being a stripper mom is about stripping down to your past, no matter what it may be, and embracing and accepting it, so that you can live more fully in the present. We all have experiences or jobs from our pasts that we view as negative. Instead of letting those things constantly hold us back in life, we can look them squarely in the face and learn from them.
Are you a stripper mom? Are you a woman engaged with using her past stories to create the life you want for yourself now?
Be as creative as you like! What does being a metaphorical “stripper mom” mean to you? What is it like to be a mom writer? How do you make time for everything? What advice do you have for other moms who want to write?
No pay, but good experience and exposure.
Please email your submission in the body of the email along with a short bio and any email or website contact you would like included with your piece. If you would like a photo to appear with your piece, please include that, too.
did you post on Craigslist too? you can do a call for submissions under writing gigs.