By Alicia Ogg
I started reading and writing when I was 4-years-old.
I used to make little books, mostly about my cat (c-a-t being the first word I
ever wrote). I still have some of these books, which my mother would cut and
staple together for me to read to her. My creativity was always encouraged and
realized; as I got older, it was something I took for granted. I've written in
a journal since the age of six, using it as my safe place to organize my thoughts—a
form of catharsis and therapy.
Photo of Alicia Ogg - Mom Writer |
In 1995 when I was 14, my home burned down while all
of us were sleeping. I'm the oldest of four and everyone was able to get out
safely, but I couldn't stop blaming myself for putting the clothes in the dryer
before I went to bed, the cause of my family's loss of all of our possessions
and home.
I lost almost all of my writing in the fire. My mom
did find a box that had some of my art and some of the little books I'd written
that had been stuffed under the bed and between other things, so it was
protected, so I still have a peek at what I was like. After the fire, I
separated my life into two sections—it was always “before” and “after” the fire.
I feel like I lost a huge part of myself, and while I've been able to gain some
of it back, I've lost so many memories from not having my early journals
available. It still makes me sad, especially when I hear of others who go
through situations of loss. Writing helped me get through it and have an avenue
to express myself.
Writing notebooks of poems was my way to purge my teen
angst. I was then diagnosed with clinical depression as a sophomore in high
school. I felt that I was unlovable and even if I ever found someone to marry
me (did I even want to be married?), I would never bring children into this
horrible world to suffer so much pain. I was hospitalized for two weeks because
I couldn't think about anything except death, although the actual act of dying
terrified (and still terrifies) me. All I remember while being there was
writing and drawing pictures to pass the time.
I'm ready to revisit my past through writing and am
in a much more objective space now that I'm older. Writing for me has been a
private act for the most part, although I've never had trouble telling others
about my experiences. My hope is that letting others read about my
circumstances will help them in some way, moms particularly.
When writing or painting, my biggest concern is that
I won't be able to translate my thoughts and feelings as explicitly as I want
to, to get my meaning across the way I want. College was spent learning that no
matter what you do, you can't control what someone else will get out of your
art. My concerns and excitement about putting my writing out there are sort of
one in the same and for me depends on the reader's reaction or response.
I recently tuned into NPR when they were talking
about memory and new findings about how they've actually formulated a drug that
can erase things that you don't want to remember (at least in mice for now.) The
more often you revisit a certain memory, the less real it becomes. Each time
you're actually just revisiting the memory of the memory of the memory. While listening,
I felt glad that I had written down my past while the event and feelings were
occurring because I always have a fresh, original memory to go back to. Sure,
the meaning changes depending on age and circumstances, like reading 'Catcher
in the Rye' when you're out of college vs. 12 years old, even though the words
are the same.
Since having children, two boys, one just turned
five and the other will be two at the end of January, time has flown by. When I
had my second, I couldn't believe that my older boy had ever been that little. You
think you're going to remember every single moment, but in two years I'd forgotten
some of the things I went through during pregnancy.
Photo of Alicia Ogg and her children |
You can call it 'mommy-brain' or 'pregnancy brain,'
but the reality is, you can't remember every minute of every day of your or
your children's lives. If it's true that you're just remembering a memory of a
memory, I think it’s important to write down experiences when they’re fresh in
your mind.
I'd always send my friend (what he found to be
hilarious) emails about all the weird things I was going through during
pregnancy, or the funny things my boys do and say, so I go back and read those,
too. It doesn't have to be a lot, just little tidbits can jog your brain into
going back to that day when he said his first word or she started to unzip her
own coat, or that weird thing your baby's been doing in your belly that makes
your kidneys feel like they're in your throat. I'm so glad I've documented my
life and my kid's lives through writing so I have those memories preserved.